Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Jesse Ventura on “American Sniper” and SEAL Chris Kyle

One must not be a liar to have honor, which means that Navy SEAL Chris Kyle “falls short on the honor department,” former Minnesota Governor and SEAL Jesse Ventura told RT. In an interview focusing on the controversy surrounding the movie “American Sniper,” Ventura explained his recent lawsuit against the estate of the film’s central figure, and why he immediately knew the picture was nothing short of “propaganda.” 

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  1. Ventura is a cheap, sleazy, blowhard. His opinion about anything does not add up to a hill of beans.

    He should just shut up and return to his hole under the rock that he came from.


  2. The cheap, sleazy blowhards are the American government and all the lame-brains that support them in their war crimes and crimes against humanity.
    Any opinion of American war mongers mean nothing as they are opinions of of the self appointed "exceptional people". which of course means they are exceptionally arrogant and exceptionally stupid!
