Saturday, January 3, 2015

Illuminati Warning 2015: A SCARY Preview Of What's To Come - WATCH NOW!

Illuminati 2015: new world order symbolism satanic music industry all seeing eye hollywood satan occult warning event something is going on big event prophecy 

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. Beware they ask for your donations to charities 'they' control. 'Their ads have been all over TV this holiday season playing on every shred of our compassion. FIND CHARITIES IN YOUR AREA WHERE YOU KNOW YOUR MONEY GOES TO THOSE IN NEED AND NOT SKIMMED TO 'THEM." its time to inravel how the New World Order has been put in place to control our lives and over throw our governments then just saying ' they ' exist. CEO LYNN BLODGETT more powerful than our president. And few even know his name and how he control your life. And he is only one 'head' that is 'replaceable' if the dirty deeds are not done. One cabal has taken over our entire government and stealing our tax dollars daily and congresses have' given authority to this beast; several years ago. Next week , a new Congress takes office and they will either pass our last demise or take back our nation for the people. Congressional 'rules have not permited the mention of any of their coporate names nor ask any to appear at a hearing for quesiotning. Yet, as the govt contrators ( now called partners) they are the only pones who know what is going on as they are not under any criminal over sight let alone internao audit controls for over a decade. This has been a 30 year, step by step process of a complete over throw . TIME FOR THE DETAILS OF HOW ITS BEEN DONE. Something I have had to do for my own survival as many others have died already caught in this web of deceit. Lynn's brother Tom RUNS EUROPE now. I do not have the wide spread coverage on mine where details have been shared. All need to know, as your life and livelihood are being affected in ways you have no idea how its been done to nearly everyone now. VOTE We have a Congress sent there by only 1/3 of the people and that makes all of them vulnerable to ' them ,' and not to 'US. Start checking things out in your own life as to whom you are dealing with daily and find out its often not any official 'govt' at all. LINDA JOY ADAMS
