Saturday, January 31, 2015


POLICE STATE at SUPER BOWL XLIX - Secret Service, Black Hawk Helicopters, X-Ray Scanners, NORAD

Black Hawk helicopters and truck-sized X-ray machines that are typically deployed along the U.S.-Mexico border have been brought to the Super Bowl venue to assist with the security effort.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection showed off the technology Monday as it helps with Super Bowl security.

Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske was on hand for a demonstration of the agency's Black Hawks and large mobile X-ray machines that are used to detect contraband and explosives. The helicopters and X-ray machines are from Tucson and Nogales, some of the busiest spots in the nation for the smuggling of drugs and immigrants.

Kerlikowske said Arizona's border with Mexico still has adequate security while some equipment is used in Glendale for the Super Bowl.

He said it's not just the technology that will help keep the big game safe, but the expertise behind it.

"The real key about this equipment is the people who operate them," Kerlikowske said.

The CBP is also deploying about 100 officers who will assist other federal and local law enforcement agencies.

The X-ray machines are mobile and the size of a large truck.

They slowly pan outside a semi-truck while operators look for anomalies. The X-ray machines are in heavy use at the Mariposa Port of Entry in Nogales, one of the busiest ports of entry for commerce in the country.

Within a few minutes, the X-ray machines will have scanned an entire semi-trailer, looking for contraband and explosives.

The CBP also will use its Tucson-based helicopters and Black Hawks to monitor the air during the game, when other aircrafts are not allowed to fly nearby. The Black Hawks are used by the CBP and the Border Patrol for a variety of missions, including for rescuing border crossers who become sick or injured.

Deadly shootings in Paris and arrest of suspects in Belgium, Greece and Germany in the last two weeks heightened fears of more attacks around the world and social media accounts linked to Middle East militant groups have carried a number of threats to attack high-profile U.S. events. falling victim to a scam artist who sold them fake tickets. This year's Super Bowl will probably have its share of scammers making the rounds, but you don't have to be a victim.

Local ticket broker, Will Furniss from , says he's seen plenty of fakes. "Most of them are very bad. Most of them are copies and none of the security features are there,"

And those security features are very important. He showed me two real Super Bowl tickets with a face value of $1,900 each. However, they will most likely sell for $5,000. Winner Of Super Bowl 48 Announced! Keeping with tradition, the Ministry of Homeland Security has decreed it will once again be implementing stringent, hyper-vigilant anti-terrorist security measures during this year’s Super Bowl. Since 9/11, the yearly event has devolved into a free-for-all for the DHS and its sub-branch agencies, many of which will be on hand coordinating largely theatrical operations which serve more to acclimate the public to an Orwellian police state than provide any actual security.

National Guardsmen will attend the event for security and “community relations.”Black Hawk attack helicopters and Chinook transports from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) will do a flyover. It was requested by the NFL, Col. Steve Warren told Politico.

Volgograd in regard to the Sochi Olympics. As you know both of those bombings were targeting mass transit, The Super Bowl’s annual role as a poster child for the police state will continue uninterrupted this year with low flying helicopters, airport-style security and checkpoints throughout New York and New Jersey. As we previously highlighted, at the 2012 Super Bowl in Indianapolis the DHS trained hot dog sellers and other vendors to spot terrorists in a move that received widespread ridicule and condemnation. The following year, TSA screeners were on hand to conduct pat downs of fans entering the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans.

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