Monday, January 19, 2015

GERALD CELENTE - The Whole System Is About To Collapse. Think For Yourself, Dont Trust Authority

Virtually everything that you do is being watched. Do you drive a car? Do you watch television? Do you use a cell phone? As you do any of those things, information about you is being recorded and tracked. We live at a time when personal privacy is dying. And it is not just governments that are doing this.

In fact, sometimes private companies are the biggest offenders. It turns out that gathering information about all of us is very, very profitable. And both government entities and private companies are going to continue to push the envelope when it comes to high tech surveillance until people start objecting to what they are trying to do. If we continue down the path that we are currently on, it is inevitable that we will end up living in an extremely restrictive “Big Brother” police state where basically everything that we do is very closely watched, monitored, tracked and controlled. And such a day may be much closer than you think. The following are 10 examples of how “Big Brother” is steadily creeping into our daily lives…

#1 Our cars are rapidly being transformed into high tech “Big Brother” surveillance devices. In fact, a push is being made to require all new vehicles to include very sophisticated black box recorders… A creepy new project aims to give babies the ability to upload “selfies” straight to Facebook from the comfort of their own cribs, solving the age-old dilemma facing many parents around the world. super bowl military industrial complex false flag superbowl

One of the project designs is an infant crib mobile outfitted with a camera. Instead of cartoon zoo animals hanging from strings, the “New Born Fame” device features the logos of social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter.

#2 A new Michigan law will ban thousands of preppers and small farmers from owning farm animals. What are they going to do next? Ban us from growing our own food? Gerald Celente,, joins us to talk about the Washington, DC passengers who obediently followed orders remain in the subway cars as the cars filled with smoke, killing 1 and sending 84 to the hospital.

Celente recounts his own experience in a Chilean earthquake and what it told him about population conditioning. Celente also discusses trends underlying the economic problems in Europe and the recent violence in France.

The White House proposal to encourage businesses to share data with the government on “cyber threats” would make it easier for law enforcement and other agencies to collect private information on Americans.
President Obama announced his new Internet legislative proposal Tuesday, but privacy analysts warn it’s simply another CISPA-style government takeover of the Internet, including increased data collection, under the guise of “cybersecurity.”

cybersecurity threat data, we’re concerned that the Administration proposal will unintentionally legitimize the approach taken by these dangerous bills.” Seventy-nine percent of US residents are satisfied with their level of freedom, down from 91 percent in 2006, according to the Gallup survey, released Tuesday.

The likelihood of a significant outbreak of Ebola in the U.S. is remote, in the view of a top Health and Human Services official who is assuring lawmakers that government agencies are preparing for any contingency. Back in November, before most grasped just how serious the collapse in crude was (and would become, as well as its massive implications), we wrote “How The Petrodollar Quietly Died, And Nobody Noticed“, because for the first time in almost two decades, energy-exporting countries would pull their “petrodollars” out of world markets in 2015.

This empirical death of Petrodollar followed years of windfalls for oil exporters such as Russia, Angola, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria. Much of that money found its way into financial markets, helping to boost asset prices and keep the cost of borrowing down, through so-called petrodollar recycling.

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