Saturday, January 24, 2015

Fukushima Disaster Update -- Death Toll Climbs, WIPP, Rocky Flats 1/24/15

Rocky Flats and Atomic Worker Compensation – Kristen Iversen, Terrie Barrie Nuclear Hotseat #187:
Kristen Iversen, author of Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats, on the dangers and deadly legacy of that atomic weapons manufacturing site near Denver, CO.
Terrie Barrie is Rocky Flats Special Exposure Cohort co-petitioner. She has been working to help exposed workers from that nuclear site get compensation from the US government under a little-known government program that admits that exposure to radiation is implicated in at least 22 named cancers! To learn more about this program: Alliance of Nuclear Worker Advocacy Groups –

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