Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fritz Springmeier -- Human Sacrifice and Illuminati Rituals Exposed

Illuminati human sacrifice and the induction into different secret sects of the order are discussed with Fritz Springmeier. The Mother Of Darkness order, Satanic influence of the elite, secret castle locations of their rituals in Europe, and how the Belgium government was threatened by the dark scandals are explored in this Buzzsaw interview.
Illuminati history, genealogy & secret rituals are explored by author Fritz Springmeier, who explains the origins of this secret society - from its mysterious genealogical lineage outlining the top families involved to the secret rituals undertaken by participants. Fritz also reveals a castle discovered in Belgium that he personally visited where high-level Mother of Darkness ceremonies took place. Also addressed is Illuminati mind control and how victims of this process sought Fritz out for help to restore a healthy mind. Plus, the state of the Illuminati in today’s modern world and also the externalization of it through pop culture and major celebrities is also discussed in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone.

Fritz Springmeier was born in 1955 in Kansas and now lives in Portland, Oregon. He considers himself a born-again Christian with no denominational affiliation. Fritz is best known for a series of seven books exposing the who, what, how, where and when of the mother of secret societies, the Illuminati. Since 1990, he has been exposing the New World Order through books, articles, public talks and radio interviews.

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