Tuesday, January 20, 2015

EU Quantitative Easing Imminent says Eric Dubin

ECB QE Imminent? | Eric Dubin

Jason Burack had on first time guest Eric Dubin, Managing Editor of The News Doctors http://thenewsdoctors.com/ for an hour+ long discussion.

Eric's bio is: Mr. Dubin is the Managing Editor of TheNewsDoctors.com. He has 24 years of experience as an independent buyside securities and global macro analyst. He has well over a decade of experience as a financial journalist, editor and political analyst. He's primarily an autodidact, but his formal education includes degrees in economics, international relations and MBA. He welcomes feedback on his articles and will make an effort to respond to comments. Email Eric by sending to "Eric" and then @TheNewsDoctors.com
During this discussion, Jason asks Eric why he think the Swiss National Bank removed their Euro peg? Eric thinks Swiss central bankers were confident the ECB was about to violate its mandate and print an enormous amount of Euros to devalue their currency to boost exports and also to bailout European banks.

Jason asks Eric if he thinks Germany will leave the Euro if the ECB does print. Eric thinks it's a possibility but it's too early to tell. The Euro-zone could be split in half or other scenarios.

Next, Jason and Eric discuss the global economy and Keynesian solutions like currency swaps, QE and financial repression and if its working. Eric thinks financial repression and these other programs will ultimately fail in the near future.

Jason and Eric discuss the gold market, recent news of Germany successfully repatriating 120 tons of Gold and other both Eric and Jason think the gold market has bottomed.

Next, Jason asks Eric about the oil market and manipulation. Eric thinks the Saudis and the US teamed up to help move the oil price lower but things are backfiring now for the US as US shale oil producers are about to go bankrupt.

To wrap up the interview, Jason asks Eric about political black swans in Saudi Arabia and the Ukraine.

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