Friday, January 16, 2015

Economic Collapse 2015 Weekend Wrap-up News

 Swiss Franc & Gold Spike, More Money Printing Coming, Muslim Saves Jews From Terrorist

 Switzerland made a surprise move to remove its cap with the franc against the Euro. This cap kept the two currencies the same value, but not anymore. Why was this every-man-for-himself action taken by the SNB? It appears more money printing is coming, and this time it will come from the European National Bank (ECB.) It appears Switzerland wants protection from inflation.

My friend Gregory Mannarino from gave me his take today. Mannarino says the Swiss are getting ahead of an announcement that will probably come from the ECB next week that it, too, is going to embark on massive Federal Reserve style QE, or money printing. Mannarino also says the Euro will continue to plunge on the new probable money printing announcement, and that will produce a spike in the U.S dollar. As the U.S dollar moves up, the Fed will have the cover needed to bring it back down by introducing another round of money printing we affectionately call QE4.

. Radical cleric Anjem Choudhury called the latest cartoon from Charlie Hebdo “an act of war,” but not all Muslims want violence. Case in point, did you know that a Muslim from Mali working in that kosher market in France saved the lives of six Jews, including a baby? He led the group to the freezer during the deadly attack, turned it off and told everyone to stay calm until the attack was over. He saved them. This story was reported in the Israeli press.

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