Monday, January 19, 2015

Countdown to Armageddon -- The Coming Invasion of Israel by Paul McGuire

Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books, a television commentator on the Fox News Network and CNN, a former syndicated radio talk show host, professor of Eschatology or Bible Prophecy at the King’s College. McGuire has produced two science fiction feature films in Hollywood. The History Channel has done two specials with Paul, on Seven Signs of the Apocalypse and Revelation. He is an internationally recognized expert on globalism, Bible prophecy and current events. McGuire has interviewed military generals, Presidents and Prime Ministers from around the world. The former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert met with McGuire after reading his book, Are You Ready?, which talks about the prophet Ezekiel’s prediction of an invasion of Israel by nations like Russia and Iran.

McGuire was raised in an atheistic household in New York City. When he was 15 years old, he was demonstrating with radical activist Abbie Hoffman and spent time in the East Village with Dr. Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey and other members of the counter culture. McGuire attended the University of Missouri where he majored both in the brand new field psychology, Altered States of Consciousness, and filmmaking.

Books Are You Ready for the Microchip? The Warning The Day the Dollar Died Are You Ready? A Prophecy of the Future of America

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1 comment:

  1. Good riddance to Israel. May they perish as a state the same way they murdered Palestine. They wiped Palestine off the map with violence, so lets have tit for tat.
