Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Breaking News : #ParisShooting : 12 Killed In Shooting At French Satirical Magazine

 Gunmen have stormed the office building of a weekly in Paris, reportedly killing 12 people.
The incident occurred at Charlie Hebdo's main building on Wednesday. Two masked gunmen went on a shooting rampage and then exchanged fire with police.
Officials say 12 people died and more than 20 were injured. Those dead included police officers and journalists.
Police are searching for the 2 gunmen who fled the scene.
Local media quoted a witness as saying that the attackers wearing black hooded masks entered the building carrying automatic weapons and started shooting minutes later. The attackers reportedly shouted "the Prophet has been avenged."
President Francois Hollande and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve arrived at the scene of the tragedy.
Hollande denounced the shooting as a terrorist attack and an act that cannot be tolerated in France, which respects freedom. He ordered an all-out search for the attackers.
Charlie Hebdo's latest edition released on Wednesday carried cartoons caricaturizing the Islamic holy war jihad.
The weekly's office building was firebombed in November 2011 after it carried a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad.
British Prime Minister David Cameron condemned Wednesday's attack as "sickening" and said Britain stood with France in the fight against terror.

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