Tuesday, January 27, 2015

ALERT -- Russian Bank Manager Kills 3 Workers & Himself

It's continuing to get more & more "dicey" out there... and the banking industry is certainly no exception. Story headline & link: Bank manager kills 3 workers & himself 'after staff reshuffle'

The deputy head of the Russian Central Bank in a Far-Eastern city has killed three of his colleagues and committed suicide after he was reportedly fired. Sources claim the murders could be connected with a reshuffle of bank staff. The deaths occurred in the city of Blagoveshchensk, in Russia’s Far East Amur Region. A team of investigators is working at the scene of the incident, said Aleksey Lubinsky, an official with the federal Investigative Committee in the Amur Region. Lubinsky said that the investigators “found two bodies on the first floor of the building in the chief’s office, and one more body was located on the ground floor.”

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1 comment:

  1. careful alarm congress is planing a new holocaust in europe: beware of IBM wall street and congress: president Putin they want a new holocaust: simply because congress and AIPAC believe is 1939: and they hope for another holocaust: once again same victims same people but who benefits wall street, and AIPAC...IBM and the bush family exactly like the ww2 realm, american congress hoping to destroy europe and create another israel.. however lets hope this time europeans will be wiser, but it looks they love wars and suicide ..
