Tuesday, December 2, 2014

WW3 Alert -- Russian Jet Fighter Nearly Collide NATO F-16 Over Norway

Russian military aircraft are posing a threat to civilian planes by turning off communications devices and failing to file flight plans, the U.S. ambassador to NATO said on Monday. Russia has stepped up flights near NATO's borders in 2013, the alliance says, coinciding with increased East-West tension over Russia's role in the Ukraine crisis. NATO aircraft have scrambled more than 400 times this year to intercept Russian aircraft, up 50 percent from the 2013 total.

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  1. this is totally bs the us supports israel because americans are hypnotize democracy does not exist neither in america or israel, 1984 was implemented in the 1900 as fact. and today hypnosis is what goes on on a very large quantity of the human race. brave new world of huxley describes the past not quite the future. the lot is totally information for a not very clever mind, brains are what controls the body. well how about the unexpected that determines who is a superpower and the unexpected is controlled by none but indeed by some. therefore a superpower with brainwash citizens is a junk yard as a tiny island with a few citizens but superior mind is a superpower, reason why on the planet of the blind a one eye mind rules.

  2. All US bs. The brinkmanship was from the US interference in Ukraine and the overthrow of a democratically elected government and replacing it with America friendly Nazi scum allied to corrupt oligarchs.
    America takes no notice of transponders as was seen when the war criminals aboard the USS Vincennes shot down a civilian airliner over Iran.
    To hell with vile yankee bullshitters like the clown on the recording. Fuck America and all its vile works. Fuck Yankee religious lies as well.

    1. You both are very nice and you said the only truth possible. Good luck to you !
      Thanks a lot you dare to do this !
