Wednesday, December 17, 2014

World War 3 : Tensions Mount as a Russian Miitary Jet sparks a Mid Air Scare (Dec 15, 2014)

World War 3 : Tensions Mount as a Russian Miitary Jet sparks a Mid Air Scare (Dec 15, 2014)

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. Probing into NATO airspace? Yeah right. Frst, NATO does not have any airspace, second of course they don't actually go into a sovereign nation's airspace. More lies and propaganda from the warmonges looking to start WWIII. Get off of this you losers.

  2. All this it is only the insane intense mythomaniacal behaviour of the USA /West mass-media in service as slave of the Pentagon warmogering lunatic propaganda. !
    It is a scum, hoax of the menthaly disabled nazisociopaths as long Russians airplanes flight only in international airspace, 70 km from de Sweden border/aka Stocholm.

  3. the problem is that most americans do not understand reality AIPAC rules america not OBAMA, in my view americans do not even know and understand what communism socialism is all about, in fact americans have a very low level of education, and the reason is that this very low level of education allows main media to brainwash 99% of the population as it is education awareness that confuses minds and they follow as sheeple, so as long education is low americans will be sheeple following hollywood top gun and illusions of couch potatoes existence. so wake up and feed your minds and don't complain ..§§§§!!! until them exist on a dream and die in IRAQ for wall street. this video looks a lot like aipac production orwellian style..
