Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Russia "The Bear Is Wounded" Oil Prices Drop...

Russian President Vladimir Putin is like a "Caged Animal" has his nation is being isolated and now the oil prices have collapse
Vladimir Putin is not a good man and not a good leader. There, I said it ... and the U.S. government basically began saying that eight months ago, when it joined with other Western nations in imposing a series of economic sanctions on Putin's Russia. The sanctions hurt Russia a bit, but now oil's freefall is causing the ruble to crash and slamming that nation with a guaranteed recession or even depression.

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1 comment:

  1. Putin will never start a war, whatsoever.
    But be sure he will defend his cooutry with all means .
    It will be some justice on Earth if he will win, if don't the morons monkey bunch called USA Congres will ecelebrate the activation of Fermi paradox.
    He is the MAN !
