Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rothschild Illuminati Conspiracy Completely Exposed

 It'll teach you techniques to clear your mind from all the nonsense that's been stuck in there through all the media and movies and other brianwashed people wanting you to "fit in with themClear your mind of the Rothschild conditioning and brainwashing that's controlled your mind all your life; take back your power right now! Be a slave no longer !

It'll teach you techniques to clear your mind from all the nonsense that's been stuck in there through all the media and movies and other brianwashed people wanting you to "fit in with them"

History of the Rothschild and other banking families, how they have subverted European nations through finance historically, and moved on to subvert our own nation and now the entire world. This video breaks down everything you need to know about the great World Enemy, the history of America's fight against them, and how Ameriica's economy eventually became their vehicle for their "New World Order" of gradual economic and eventual political union under their control.

Freemasons are one of their puppets, Zionism is another arm of this World Enemy, they manipulate wars such as World War II and World War I in order to set rival debtor nations against one another, and seize assets from them, and World War III could be coming very soon.

Original video by Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, editing and production by myself James Portocarrero.

Please feel free to upload it on your channel, share it, likes, comments, and subscriptions are much appreciated. We have to all be on the same page and understand what's going on or we'll be subverted by their disinformation agents, who are highly active on Youtube and elsewhere online in the ongoing "Information War".

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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