Tuesday, December 9, 2014

RACE WAR in AMERICA - The Engineered Race War is Heating Up

RACE WAR in AMERICA - The Engineered Race War is Heating Up

With protests around the country still swirling after the Michael Brown and Eric Garner grand jury verdicts, St. Louis is to get its own dedicated ‘civil unrest’ czar, with authorities fearing more riots that could “radically alter” the city’s future.

The city submitted a successful application to join dozens of other cities around the globe as part of the “100 Resilient Cities Network,” a Rockefeller Foundation funded initiative which seeks to help cities “prepare for, withstand and bounce back rapidly from shocks and stresses.”

The city’s civil unrest czar will have his salary paid by the Foundation and will work out of St. Louis City Hall to develop an “action plan” to deal with domestic disorder and “endemic crime”. With Ferguson and St. Louis having already been hit with major rioting and looting last month, violent demonstrations continue to take place in other cities. While protesters were demonstrating against police who killed Eric Garner, a cop in Arizona assaulted a teenager with asthma.

The wife of Eric Garner, the New York man choked to death on video by a police officer, has spoken out to dismiss claims that the incident was racially motivated.

Esaw Snipes said “I don’t even feel like it’s a black-and-white thing, honestly, you know, in my opinion.” race obsession Author and journalist James Howard Kunstler warns that America is careening towards “a new and different kind of civil war” as a result of “guilt-tripped white political culture,” oppositional black culture and militarized police.

Kunstler, who writes for The Atlantic Monthly and Rolling Stone, warns in his latest piece that the aftermath of Ferguson represents “a tragic time for America” and that “the country is going to get into a lot more trouble” unless people begin to understand the true causes of racial tension and police brutality.

Highlighting the “foolish white-sponsored “diversity” campaign which had imposed the ridiculous idea that a common culture in one nation is unnecessary,” Kunstler says the gulf between black and white cultures is only growing wider.

Eric Garner protests in Oakland, California, have taken a dangerous turn. During a protest late Sunday night on a highway demonstrators threw rocks, bottles, glass and explosives at police. Molotov cocktails and M-80 firecrackers.

In nearby Berkeley, protesters repeated behavior experienced in Ferguson after a grand jury declined to bring Officer Darren Wilson up on charges in the death of Michael Brown. Businesses were looted and vandalized by masked protesters. A protester attempting to prevent looting at a Radio Shack was assaulted with a hammer Underscoring frustrations expressed by many about the two party monopoly in America, during an interview with CNN’s Candy Crowley yesterday, George W. Bush responded to a question about his brother Jeb running against Hillary Clinton by referring to Hillary as his “sister in law”.

Protests against police brutality have turned violent in Berkeley, California, as officers are resorting to rubber bullets, flash bang grenades and tear gas in a tense standoff with demonstrators demanding justice.

The scene in this liberal college town remains chaotic Saturday night as reports of injured protesters at the hands of the police begin emerged. The protesters took to the streets to express their anger over a series of high-profile incidences involving the death of black Americans at the hands of white police officers – all of whom were cleared of any wrongdoing by the courts. ferguson riots

According to police, some of the protesters took to more violent methods of expression. Daughter of black man killed by police rejects notion that race had anything to do with father's death

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