Monday, December 1, 2014

NWO and the United States: media lies, rejection of God & upcoming martial law

Satan, the father of lies and enemy of God, knows his time is short as prophetic signs point the imminent glorious return of the Son of God and Saviour of the human race, Jesus the Christ (Yeshua). Satan is using the antichrist pope and a myriad of secret societies including the Illuminati and government organizations to control, manipulate and decrease the world's population through triggered disasters, staged false flag attacks and other fear-mongering tactics to suppress individual rights and create a one world government including a one world religion, military, financial and economic system, with the Antichrist pope leading the charge. They are creating havoc on Earth, in anticipation of Satan's final attempt at deceiving the elect of the God -- the 144 000 -- who keep the commandments of the Most High and the faith of Christ (Revelation 14:12).

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. real proof americans will soon have yiddish as the official language goodbye to the english language and welcome yiddish ..america build on racism exist on racism and will crumble on racism, nazisme and AIPAC sionism.. americans learn your yiddish now before is to late your are now under the guidance of the star of david to bad that now yiddish the official language of the usa of america, sorry about my yiddish but i do not know how to write it neither translated.. google will do a god job I hope.. and happy hanukkah to america the new yiddish nation.

  2. The image and the mind, takes its time growls and form’s on the abys, the battle is prospect as the want is deed, the time has come.
