Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Nibiru - Planet X Earth Changes will get Much Worse Soon

 A gigantic celestial wrecking ball known in ancient times as Nibiru, The Destroyer, Wormwood, The Frightener, the Terrible Comet, Hercolubus and various other names) is headed toward Planet Earth once again, and has already begun to spawn a series of global catastrophes. In modern times, this rogue planet has been known by the name of Planet X.

Like most of the stars in the universe, our Sun is part of a binary system. A smaller star -- possibly a brown dwarf star -- orbits the Sun, and seven planets orbit the second sun. Planet X is the outermost planet in the brown dwarf system, which invades our inner solar system every 3,600 years or so.

Ancient civilizations warned us that Planet X would return in the future and wreak havoc on Planet Earth. As a consequence of The Destroyer's impact on Earth, we'll experience increasingly severe earthquakes, volcano eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis, and we'll be bombarded by intense solar flares, asteroids and other forms of cosmic debris that will make it extremely difficult to survive.

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