Friday, December 5, 2014

LOUIS FARRAKHAN - Race War Is about To Explode in U.S. Get Prepared

 The Rev. Louis Farrakhan gave a racially charged sermon on Saturday, arguing that a “law for retaliation” exists in Islam that justifies violence in the wake of grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases.

Speaking at Morgan State University, a black college in Baltimore, Mr. Farrakhan argued that peaceful protests are only in the interest of “white folks,”

“Watch now, because once it starts, it’s on. You may not want to fight, but you better get ready. Teach your baby how to throw the bottle if they can,” he said, apparently referencing a Molotov cocktail. “We going to die anyway. Let’s die for something.”

The Nation of Islam leader held up what appeared to be the organization’s version of the Koran and purported that violence is justified by the “law of retaliation” in the religious text.

“In this book, there’s a law for retaliation,” he said.

“As long as they [whites] kill us [blacks] and go to Wendy’s and have a burger and go to sleep, they gonna keep killing us,” he said, to a roar of applause. “But when we die and they die, then soon we’re going to sit at a table and talk about it! We’re tired! We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this [expletive] country up!” Mr. Farrakhan criticized President Obama and Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. for being out of touch with young blacks by encouraging peace. He argued that young blacks, or “God’s children,” aren’t willing to go down without a fight.

“And you preachers: Your day of being the pacifier for the white man’s tyranny upon black people, you got to know they’re [young blacks] not going to hear you anymore!” he shouted, Rev. Farrakhan says Islam permits attacks on whites for crimes of police.

There had been warnings earlier that a decision not to charge Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who is white, with a crime for killing a black man, would fan tensions Staten Island was bracing for Ferguson-like trouble Wednesday after a grand jury chose not to indict an NYPD officer for killing Eric Garner with a chokehold, sources said.

There had been warnings earlier that a decision not to charge Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who is white, with a crime for killing a black man, would fan tensions. banned For one TIME magazine writer, the acts of violence in Ferguson are an entitlement for those suffering racism. “Peaceful protesting is a luxury only available to those safely in mainstream culture.” They say a broken clock is right twice a day and that old adage proved true last night when President Obama made the point that the proper response to the Eric Garner controversy should be to focus on police brutality, not race.
Protesters flooded the streets of New York last night after a grand jury decided not to charge Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of 43-year-old Eric Garner, who was choked to death for the crime of selling untaxed cigarettes. Video footage of the incident clearly shows that Garner offered little or no resistance and was not acting aggressively towards officers during the arrest. As social justice warriors attempt to misdirect justified anger over the non-indictment of Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the choking death of Eric Garner to make the issue all about race, statistics continue to illustrate how police brutality is a threat to all Americans, no matter what their skin color.

With Caucasians busy confessing their “white guilt” under the umbrella of the #CrimingWhileWhite Twitter hashtag, the reality of police brutality has been revealed by statistics out of the Centers For Disease Control which show that on average, almost three times more whites than blacks are killed per year by cops. With the white population roughly equating to three times that of the black population in the United States, these stats correlate with a trend of police brutality targeting all races, with the violence not being disproportionately directed towards blacks.

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  1. La France va verser 60 millions d'euros aux victimes américaines de la Shoah

  2. Fuckakhan is such an idiot don't listen to him.
