Saturday, December 13, 2014

John Williams of Shadowstats on GoldSeek Radio -- Dec 11, 2014

GoldSeek Radio's Chris Waltzek talks to John Williams of Shadowstats


    The dollar rally will fade, leading to the next financial crisis.
    Actual domestic GDP was stagnant in the third quarter.
    The world is in a recession and the US economy, albeit one the strongest economies, is nevertheless stagnant.
    Once the false rally loses steam, the Greenback will drop abruptly, resulting in panic selling and hyperinflation.
    While the major media outlets brace investors for inevitable Fed rate hikes in 2015, the Fed may not raise rates.
    Expect a 2008 credit crisis part deux, but this time the Fed's arsenal is devoid of the required ammunition to prevent total economic collapse.
    Gold could climb first to $5,000 and eventually as high as $100,000+ per ounce when compared to paper assets making precious metals the ideal economic survival asset class (Note: this forecast is founded on the highly speculative premise of a worthless US dollar).

The top alternative economist from, examines his hyperinflation thesis in light of the recent explosive dollar advance, which appears to be little more than an fata morgana. The actual GDP as measured by corporate revenues of the S&P 500 firms, when properly adjusted for inflation was stagnant in the third quarter. In fact, when inflation is appropriately accounted, the world is in a recession and the US, albeit one the strongest economies, is nevertheless stagnant. Once the false rally loses steam, the Greenback will drop abruptly, resulting in panic selling and hyperinflation. While the major media outlets brace investors for inevitable Fed rate hikes in 2015, the Fed not raise rates and instead capitulate with new QE operations to provide liquidity to the banking system. Expect a 2008 credit crisis part deux, but this time the Fed's arsenal is devoid of the required ammunition to prevent total economic collapse resulting enormous prices: gold could climb first to $5,000 and eventually as high as $100,000+ per ounce when compared to paper assets making the precious metals the ideal economic survival asset class.

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