Saturday, December 13, 2014

ISIS advised by American & Israeli generals

The ISIL terrorist group, whose creation is based on “fraud and fabrication,” is being advised by US and Israeli generals to “subvert” the Syrian government, an American scholar says.

“ISIS is actually a creation of the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia which is designed to actually undermine the infrastructure of Syria,” said James Henry Fetzer, using another acronym for the group.

“The situation with ISIS is completely outrageous, it’s a deceitful operation, it’s a deception,” said Fetzer, who is also an editor at Veterans Today and a retired professor in Madison, Wisconsin.

“The whole thing is a fraud and fabrication,” Fetzer told Press TV on Thursday. “It’s intended to mask US attempts to subvert the (Syrian) government of Bashar al-Assad.”

The ISIL terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, now control large parts of Iraq and Syria.

US warplanes have been conducting airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq since early August. Some Western states have also participated in some of the strikes in Iraq.

The US and some of its Arab allies have also been carrying out airstrikes against ISIL inside Syria since late September without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate.

Intermediaries in touch with the ISIL terrorist group say the Takfiris have proposed the sale of the body of the first American citizen they executed in August.

ISIL presented the proposal to hand over American journalist James Foley’s remains as an act of mercy for the family and a “humanity case,” while requesting $1 million for it, BuzzFeed reported Thursday.

“The very idea of ISIS attempting to sell the body of someone it has murdered is completely outrageous and an affront to the moral sensibilities of the entire world,” Fetzer stated.

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1 comment:

  1. Fetzer says "moral sensibilities of the entire world".
    He means the people of the world and they have no morals.
    They have some bullshit religions and books with some made up stories but no morals. They have fear.
