Friday, December 19, 2014

Illuminati 2015: Predictions!! We must reach mass awareness! WATCH NOW!!!

The Federal reserve came into being via the Senate passing the Federal Reserve Act and Woodrow Wilson signing it into law on 23rd December 1913. Behind this act was a group of International bankers, the leader of them were the Rothschild family. Lets say the Government need $1bn dollars. They go the fed and ask for $1bn. the Fed says ok, we will trade for $1bn in treasury (promisary) notes which the Government possess and these then have to be repaid with Interest, usually 6%.The Federal Reserves ONLY job is to make paper money, so that it is portable and easier to move around. A lot easier than carrying gold, right? So that's their job. They are supposed to back up this paper money with REAL gold. But they don't. They basically stole the gold, and print fake, counterfeited money.. And with every fake dollar that is currently is circulation they collected interest through taxes. So basically for every 1 dollar in circulation these scam artists stole 3 dollars from the American people. Creating the countries debt. So we are 17 trillion dollars in debt because of this scam. That's one big problem. With this same scam, it has created another big problem. Problem 2: Now other countries wanted their gold back, because we essentially stole from them. So the Federal Reserve LOBBIED the government (own and control the government) decided to trade Afghanistan military service to protect their country IF they only traded their oil in U.S. dollars FORCING other countries to use U.S. dollars and allowing the Federal Reserve to continue the scam. The people from Afghanistan got tired of this arrangement and getting screwed over so they stopped trading their oil in U.S. dollars and suddenly.. The u.s. economy was going to collapse, the Federal Reserve was going down.. And they were not going to let that happen so they... Needed to go to war with them to CONVINCE them to sell their oil in U.S. dollars. So they staged 9/11... THAN.. After going to Iraq and killing 500,000 children by destroying their water factories, and infrastructure their people finally decided to switch their oil sales back to U.S. dollars. Keeping the U.S. economy from collapsing and keeping the bastard Federal Reserve in power. Yes, I understand you love America. And the Federal Reserve is not only here in the U.S.A. But we have a BIG PROBLEM with corporations lobbying the government..

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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