Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Greg Johnson -- The New Right, The New Left & Ethnonationalism

Greg Johnson is the editor-in-Chief of Counter Currents Publishing and its journal and webzine North American New Right. He is the author of Confessions of a Reluctant Hater and also New Right vs. Old Right. We’ll discuss the condensed message of the New North American Right. Greg interprets the differences between the New Right, the Old Right and the New Left. He shares his vision of European ethno metapolitics and distinguishes it from Fascism and National Socialism. What is ethno-nationalism and how can it enable peace for everyone? He’ll tell why he focuses on metapolitics and compares it to occult warfare. We’ll also ask the question that people avoid, “Is human inequality such a bad thing?” Later, he explains why he strongly opposes the claim that Europeans have brought genocide upon themselves. He also sets out some basic principles for creating a growing, resilient, networked movement of fellow Europeans who share pan-secessionist goals. At the end, we’ll discuss a chapter from Greg’s book called The Perils of Positive Thinking. He explains why positive thinking ultimately cannot save Europeans from the state they’re in.

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1 comment:

  1. Washington race wars against african americans and whites reason why washington hates caucasians; this extermination practices in america to preserve AIPAC and its followers and do as barbarians do. get away from the dollar and everything that is made in the usa as is evil and will contaminate your mind your soul and even your future childrens.
