Thursday, December 11, 2014

Get Out of the SYSTEM! | Ann Barnhardt

- The republic that was called the United States of America no longer exists; there is no rule of law (1:00)
- How to take our country back (8:26)
- We need to abolish the Federal Reserve central banking system (14:00)
- Is gold a "fiat" currency? (16:10)
- Get out COMPLETELY out of the system (20:00)
- There is a financial COLLAPSE coming and there is no happy ending; embrace poverty in the coming crisis (22:23)
- Deflation vs Inflation (27:49)

ANN BARNHARDT, a convert to traditional Roman Catholicism, originally from the Kansas City area, graduated from Kansas State University with a degree in animal husbandry and agricultural economics and worked for 15 years as a commercial hedge broker, helping farmers and ranchers use the futures and options markets to forward contract and hedge their livestock and grain production, with the final six of those years being at the helm of her own Independent Introducing brokerage, Barnhardt Capital Management. After the MF Global theft she voluntarily shuttered Barnhardt Capital Management knowing that her clients' funds were in a state of clear and present danger of theft on the clearinghouse level with no protection, defense or legal recourse. She publicly declared a federal tax strike shortly thereafter and is now operating as a voice of counter-revolution off the so-called "grid". Ann considers the United States to be formally overthrown and thus legally non-existent, instead replaced by a neo-Stalinist tyranny.

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