Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Gas Prices Plummet, Sh*t Hits the Fan! | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - Ora TV

Sure, gas prices have dropped recently. But what does this really mean in the grand scheme of things? Let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture here, vigilant viewers. We’re still energy-dependent on the Middle East, still sending troops abroad to fight all because of our dependence on foreign oil. Agree or disagree with the Gov? Message him at Message Jesse at

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  1. Totally agreed fracking is bad for your intelligence is easy drill and destroy rather new technologies demand intelligence. Therefore fracking is bad for your mind. And indeed it does causes earthquakes, as they link with each other’s like plants do, earthquakes that’s why you got the circle of fire moreover remember what petrol has brought endless wars in the Middle East and Asia.

  2. Hemp = fuel and oil......come on Jesse........
