Friday, December 12, 2014

FBI’S POLICE STATE | Jesse Ventura

Your local police force isn’t the only government agency attempting to lock down our country and take away your rights... the FBI has been getting in on the action as well! Check out this latest Off The Grid episode on the FBI’s police state.

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1 comment:

  1. Jesse Ventura defrauded the people of Minnesota to become Governor by lying about being a Navy SEAL.
    VENTURA STOLE THE VALOR OF OTHERS to win the 1998 election by 56,363 votes, less than 3% of 2 million votes cast.
    Ventura bribed a guy to leave the 1998 Reform Party so he wouldn't have competition in the primary and when complaints were filed against him for election violations he bribed the investigators to fix the investigation's outcome.
    This is well documented in my book "ALWAYS CHEAT".
    The book that knocked Ventura out of office in 2002. Call me for a complimentary copy. Leslie Davis - 612-529-5253
    Know the truth about Ventura here -
    Ventura's wife lied under oath when she said she never heard Ventura disparage military or known him to lie. Check out this 2002 video. Wifey Lie -
