Thursday, December 25, 2014

DICTATOR OBAMA - 2014 Was The Year of The Great Dictator Obama. What will 2015 Bring?

 DICTATOR OBAMA - 2014 Was The Year of The Great Dictator Obama. What will 2015 Bring?

If Obama’s complete disregard for the constitutional limits imposed on the presidency continues, it will create a precedent in which future presidents will act as absolute autocrats.

At a congressional hearing on Dec. 2, House Representative Trey Growdy (R-SC) asked what will stop Obama from not enforcing election laws considering his pattern of “prosecutorial discretion” of other standing laws.

During the same hearing, Michael Cannon, the Director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute, said that Obama’s complete disregard for the Constitution could unfortunately lead to a revolt: In a desperate bid to save the rapidly collapsing Obamacare socialized medicine program, President Obama announced a “fix” yesterday that would “allow” health insurance companies to avoid cancelling whatever plans haven’t already been cancelled due to Obamacare itself.

Image: Wikimedia Commons.

In doing so, Obama effectively declares himself absolute dictator over all laws across the country, assuming the power to enforce, ignore or alter laws at he pleases.

The problem with this is that such powers do not exist in the Office of the President. Like everything else surrounding Obamacare, Obama himself is simply inventing new powers as he goes along and hoping no one will question his assumed (illegal) authority. Obama is currently engaged in an unprecedented purge of our military meant to remove officers who won’t obey unconstitutional orders: President Raul Castro declared that detente with Obama won’t change the communist system he leads, likely because Obama looks up to him.

In urging President Obama to lift the US embargo on Cuba, Communist dictator Cuban President Raul Castro has said that the US Congress should simply be bypassed.

“Though the measures of the embargo have become law, the president of the United States can change the enforcement thereof under his Executive Branch powers,” Castro said during a press conference Wednesday. On Monday the U.S. government took steps to seize the US-based assets of Russian lawmakers and anyone else that the US government deemed complicit in supporting the Crimean secession movement.

Image: Barack Obama (Wiki Commons).

We’ve seen the U.S. government do this in countless cases surrounding drug and financial crimes, and sometimes even against foreign leaders like Saddam Hussein and Manuel Noriega.

What makes this particular instance so unprecedented and terrifying is that President Obama went so far as to issue a new Executive Order to give himself the authorization to do so, because the laws of the United States are such that our government is not allowed to simply take someone’s bank assets, home or business without due process. By issuing his directives as "memoranda" rather than executive orders, Obama has downplayed the extent of his executive actions

If there’s one thing we have learned about Barack Obama, it’s that he is a master of deception and absolutely loves to lie to the public. He seems to enjoy conning the plebs to such a degree, I think he actually receives blasts of dopamine every time he does it. The bigger the lie, the better the rush.

The latest example relates to his issuance of executive orders, or lack thereof, something that Obama Inc. has actively attempted to portray as evidence of his restraint when it comes to executive power. Here are a few examples from a USA Today article published earlier today. Presidential memoranda do carry the same legal weight as executive orders, and still do not legally require any approval by Congress. In addition, Obama is still able to say he is not issuing as many executive orders as his predecessors, a premise he campaigned for the Presidency on. tyranny

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