Friday, December 12, 2014

CIA Torture - Mind Control in America

Ironically, the name "Central Intelligence Agency" is a woefully inaccurate description of the organization. "Compartmentalized Intelligence Agency" would be more appropriate. The right hand often times knows not what the left hand does. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, in and of itself. It's only when one hand compulsively and pathologically lies to the other that we end up with an uncoordinated, retarded Frankenstein CIA which operates in the real world like the proverbial bull in a china shop. It's not supposed to be in the business of committing crimes just to raise more money to commit more crimes. Yet, this is the reputation it has carved out for itself over the years. And it's gradually managed to alienate itself from the American people and the global community like never before. That can't be good for intelligence gathering, especially at the human level. Torture only goes far, if anywhere at all. Intelligence is primarily the product of mutual trust, respect, honor (and, yes, even love). That's the creed which so desperately needs to be restored. Otherwise, the agency is doomed.
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1 comment:

  1. The shocking revelations of CIA torture techniques give France a reason to exit NATO, National Front party leader Marine Le Pen said on Saturday. The report on the CIA’s former interrogation practices has drawn wide criticism since its release.

    “If indeed everyone is outraged by the tortures used by the US then, let’s leave NATO,” Le Pen said during an interview with Europe 1 radio channel. She wrote the same statement on her Twitter account.
