Friday, December 12, 2014

CIA Director Defends Torture

 CIA Director John Brennan is finally acknowledging that some of the agency’s interrogation techniques were abhorrent. But at a news conference, Brennan defends the agency - the CIA - from many of the charges in a scathing Senate Intelligence Committee Report. The director held the rare press conference to say that valuable information was gained from the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques - also known as torture. Although he said the question remains, whether or not the information could have been gained without those harsh methods. As Brennan spoke with reporters, Intelligence Committee Chairwoman, Senator Diane Feinstein was live tweeting rebuttals. There’s something you don’t see every day. The two have clashed before. By the end of the day, Feinstein conceded that the news conference showed CIA leadership is committed to preventing the controversial torture tactics from ever happening again.

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1 comment:

  1. The premise for the torture was the 9/11 attack which those imprisoned and tortured had nothing to do with.
    The WTC attack was a conspiracy between Silverstein Properties, the Israelis, and the U.S. Government engineered by Cheney and Rumsfeld.
