Thursday, December 4, 2014

Alex Jones Show: Thursday (12-4-14) Lionel

 On this Thursday, December 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, David Knight covers the death of Eric Garner and what it says about our unrestrained, out-of-control government. Thug cops are celebrating Garner's death over untaxed cigarettes and leftists are claiming the “white privilege” of NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo saved him from being charged, a claim which conveniently ignores white police abuse victims Kelly Thomas and James Boyd. The focus should be on police brutality in general which affects all Americans regardless of race. Paul Joseph Watson breaks down the Garner situation and the latest BS from the Obama administration. And Lionel, renaissance lawyer and news decoder, joins the broadcast to compare and contrast the grand jury decisions behind Eric Garner and Mike Brown.

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