Saturday, November 1, 2014

"We’re in the End Game Now” ~ Jim Willie at his finest

Join our hour plus discussion about toxic versus honest infrastructure. Jim rattles off a list of current news headlines that set the stage for our current world. We discuss at length many topics in Jim’s recent article, QE Failure & Folly of Paper Mache. The US is heading fast towards complete global isolationism. The SDR is an unlikely solution to the collapsing petro dollar. Jim believes the BRICS currency/ metals fund will be the final winner.

Derivatives have been hidden in plain site. Jim believes there are potentially 100s of Billions of dollars a month in derivative monetization, going on for years now. US debt ceiling raise indicates a default, potentially with the involvement of China, which now owns a nice chunk of Manhattan, including a steak in the US Federal Reserve.

From US Treasury prop ups, QE, Interest rate swaps, to the bond carry trade, Jim covers a host of topics of manipulation. Jim breaks down exactly how long term treasury demand is created and free money just scraped off the back end. Not only can they scam the populace with false perceived demand but they also make huge risk free profits.

Student loans and car loans are the new sub prime markets. The Saudi Real has plummeted. Things are getting shaky. We are marching towards systemic failure. It won’t be a bank failure. The bank system cannot fail. Contagion has been prevented from massive cash injection. Sovereign debt seniority laws were literally changed. The level of fraud is overwhelming. Tens if not hundreds of trillions of dollars have been squandered.

Gold is the nemesis. It can only sustain so much paper mache. There is a breaking point. Eventually physical metal breaks the game. Once the Western gold is drained China can pull the plug. Enter the Shanghai gold exchange. The end game is near and it all pertains to physical gold (& silver). The jig is up, but nobody wants to be the fall guy. China could double the gold price and collapse the US without an obvious intervention- like forcing a few US banks into insolvency and causing contagion.

The Saudis are engaged in a price war with respect to their fellow OPEC members. What does Saudi Arabia stand to benefit by lowering its oil price? Jim breaks down multiple potential scenarios. Is it to do China’s bidding? Was it to render harm to Russia? Or support the USD with a short term lift? Perhaps they’re just pissed from their gold being stolen. Perhaps to break up the OPEC cartel and abandon the petro dollar without being the fall guy?

Wanting a legitimate monetary system over fraud and war is not unpatriotic. It is what our country was founded upon. "We are a raped and pillaged nation exploited and colonized with hidden control strings and deep cables. The only way to get out of it is to go back to a gold standard." Russia and the East are working on energy pipelines, while we in the west are working on pipelines of toxic money, fiat paper, and liquidity networks. We choose honesty over war.

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