Saturday, November 1, 2014

Virulence, Group Selection & State of Nature -- James Bowery

Radio 3Fourteen - James Bowery - Virulence, Group Selection & State of Nature

James Bowery is a pioneer in IT but is better known for his blogspot, Feral Observations. We’ll discuss his theory of Jewish virulence, which is analogous to immunosuppression virulence. He’ll put forth his hypothesis about the horizontal transmissions from which this virulence has evolved. This theory is complementary to both Kevin MacDonald's thesis documented in The Culture of Critique and to Richard Faussette's Niche Theory. James discusses nations as super organisms. The pre-Christian northern Europeans had a culture that recognized the dangers inherent in group organisms, which they called "giants," "serpents," "vipers" and "dragons" depending on the characteristic of the organism. He explains how civilization is group selection. Group selection is war. So what are we evolving as a group? He says this question must be asked before we talk about what kind of a system is best for our people. Later, we’ll explore a bit of pagan history and culture. Bowery also shares his viewpoint on sacred natural heterosexuality in what he calls the "State of Nature."

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