Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Shadow Government: It's Identification and Analysis

Who is the government? Is it the clowns in Congress or the puppet President? Rigged elections suggest that something is lurking behind the scenes, manipulating those who take the stage and pretend that they are the government, but who is it, hiding in the dark places? Is it one person or a group of powerful people who influence those who vote to pass bills that favor them, give them more control and take more and more from the people? We have many names for this group, but I'm not aware of any list of agencies, companies, organizations or institutions which has been assembled. Dr. Richard Boylan has assembled such a list and I bring it to you, in my own style. I read the article, adding my opinions, experience, ideas and sometimes, my own conclusions about what's right and what's wrong! These people are pure evil. They have no laws or rules to follow. They do whatever they want and some of the things they do are really terrible; So terrible that they make Adolf Hitler look kind and benevolent! The worst thing about this 'government' is that things are much more likely to get worse, than better! This is why we have to inform others of their existence, their plans, their organizations, their weapons, their science and their total lack of respect for decency, the rule of law and life!

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