Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Petrodollar DISASTER as Stock Market Unstable Signs of Major RISK!

Markets have been moving in sync with each other since approximately the year 2000. Lately however we have witnessed a decoupling of many sectors. We have also seen stock markets breaking, which should signal to the average investor the fragility of paper mechanisms. Real assets are not without their turmoil at times, but the absurd level of risk coming from the stock and bond markets are at levels never seen before. The world has been turned upside down in order to prepare for a CRISIS the general public is definitely not ready for. 

Fidelity and Charles Schwab will be offering automated financial advice that's low-cost or even free, pushing other advisers to be tech-savvy to compete. Petrodollars leave world markets for first time in 18 years - BNP Japan 30 Year yield Market decoupling S&P 500 Share of First-Time Home Buyers Hits 27-Year Low

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