Friday, November 21, 2014

Obama Destroys Constitution -- The Alex Jones Show (Video Commercial Free) Friday, November 21, 2014

Obama Destroys Constitution President Obama has just committed his most blatant, impeachable offense and David Knight breaks it all down on this Friday, November 21 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Obama completely bypassed Congress and announced amnesty for millions of "anchor baby" parents and illegal immigrant children - as long as they've been in the country for five years. The Constitution, however, reveals he lacks the authority to pick and choose which to deport. His order will grant illegals social security numbers, work permits, and government-issued IDs, and many of these illegals will be able to obtain green cards, which allows them to sponsor their relatives to join them in the U.S. Paul Craig Roberts, a former Reagan insider, author and economist, joins to show to examine Obama's crimes. Socio-political commentator and author Erik Rush also joins the broadcast to discuss how politicians use racial division to their own political advantage.

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