Tuesday, November 4, 2014

No Ebola Quarantine, Greenspan says Buy Gold, Obama Care Update

“Health System Not Prepared for Ebola” is a headline from the AP, and that is in stark contrast to what we have been told. “Small clusters could overwhelm the system” is what the article says. So, this begs the question of why no quarantine? Some governors in places like New Jersey, New York and Illinois think quarantine is the way to go. It is scientific technique on how to contain infectious disease, but that is not what the Obama Administration thinks.

The Fed says the economy and employment have improved, and the third quarter had a 3.5% growth rate. John Williams of ShadowStats.com says the 3.5% growth rate is “Happy election eve numbers” and says it was boosted by “guessed at trade numbers and defense spending.” Williams says look for a downside revision. If the economy was really that good, would we have nearly 93 million people not in the workforce? There are 46 million people on food stamps, and half of Americans make less than $28,000 a year. Would mortgage applications be hitting 19 year lows? Would former Fed Head Alan Greenspan be warning about “turmoil” in the economy because of ending QE? Oh, and “Maestro” Greenspan is also telling people to buy gold? Let that sink in, Greenspan is telling people to buy gold!!

Finally, I just received notification that my health care provider is going to raise my premium again for next year by about a $100 bucks a month. My health care has gone up by about 60% since Obama Care was signed into law. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina says that it’s going up because not enough young people have signed up. I have no problem with Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Health Care costs money, especially with a bad law. Health care was supposed to be cheaper because of Obama Care, but for most people—it’s not.

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