Saturday, November 15, 2014

Moscow under pressure at G20 summit over crisis in Ukraine

The row between the West and Russia over the crisis in Ukraine is becoming more evident as the leaders of the 20 major world economies meet in Australia. German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the tensions over Ukraine are hindering efforts to boost economic growth. U-S President Barack Obama said Moscow's QUOTE aggression in Ukraine is a threat to the world. Britain also threatened more sanctions unless Russia stops what it called destabilizing its neighbor. In response, the Russian president warned that the West's sanctions could backfire. Vladimir Putin said cutting Russia's access to capital markets would hurt Western exports. He added that the sanctions could force some Russian banks to demand the repayment of loans they've given to Ukraine, and therefore damage its economy.

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  1. Ce normal ces que des barbares qui sont les participants du G20 raison est logique de l’austérité les erreurs en répétitions des barbares des Washington, corruption, une média qui est exclusivement clientéliste de Washington, des Ruquier a les sitcoms une éducation qui abruti les citoyens et le résulta est la désintégration de la culture la noblesse et a sa place ces des barbares qui conduit le monde occidental a sa propre destructions des financiers comme des banquiers sortie dès l'ignorance collective. Donc attende vous à la fin de l'occident car ni Manuel Macron ni louis pion arrivera à améliorer la chose la chose et classé défait morte casse irrécupérable, impossible d'avoir une croissance car pour une croissance il est impérative d'avoir des hommes à la tête des pais occidental honnête est intelligent est dans l'actuel il y que des barbares donc une monde barbares ce le future de l'occident et ISIS le confirme. Le collapse total sera avant 2016.

  2. the occident is under the hands of individuals that all they hope is for the collapse of western civilization this individual for instance in France belong to the right the left even the far right they all fight among s themselves but eventually are together to confuse the planet and the aim looks is wars and more wars. therefore the only way that the planet could survive this minions from all sides of the political spectrum is a total clean up. I suggest a deep study of the french politics a nation that is totally corrupt and in the hands of so call philosophers as BHL, and others the french doctor another criminal that in coordination with the main media and state media drive the public towards their own destruction ISIS is an example even the french foreign minister advocate more wars on the name of civility. in my view once one nation becomes honest and clean the rest will follow there is no sense in fixing the planet just fix one nation and start from that. FRANCE is the key nation for this endeavor.
