Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kiev Preparing For An All Out Offensive Which Will Lead To War

 The people in the UK have had enough with austerity. Mortgage application plunge once again, which show Real Estate is in a death spiral. The Western countries are selling gold, meanwhile China and Russia are stockpiling gold. Obamacare was designed as a scam. Obama wants to regulate the internet and control free speech. National guard in Ferguson is on high alert. Brazil is building their own internet without US companies. Ukraine with the US is now training soldiers and getting prepared for a major offensive with the South Eastern people of Ukraine. The people of Libya have captured around 200 planes. Romanian hacker predicts there will be a nuclear attack on Chicago in 2015.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. AIPAC message to AIPAC: Mosses 3 is coming: looks is no other way president obama: as congress and AIPAC only understand superior force so you shall feel it. this is how it is play out: the cold weather that you are experiencing is mapping the target. the target are the two oceans one on the right the atlantic one on the left the pacific, the aim is to shrink the continent all cities on the coast line will disappear as water will enter 50 to 100 miles inland, this is done in coordination with the planets the moon and the sun, "flares" coordinated with the magnetic core of the planet. there is no alien hand on this project just the solar system will do the trick. earthquakes and volcanos will also revive themselves however the hope is that the continent will not sink totally but just the coastline. there is no guarantee of result as it is all done by magnetic waves. but it is a way to have the washington crowd retreat, they only understand force so this kind of force will send them back a few thousand years and make them a bit humble, as the devastation will indeed send you back a few thousand years behind time, that is the only objective, not to destroy all humans on the area.. nuclear plants will hopefully resist some of the damage. so be prepare alex you got sometime before you ahead of you. and forget illegal aliens there shall be none.
