Sunday, November 2, 2014

Jim Marrs | Occulted History, Banking Corruption, & The Vast Conspiracy

This week alternative author and legendary truth seeker, Jim Marrs, joins THC to drop knowledge on a variety of conspiratorial topics including the history of banking, ISIS, Atlantis, The Anunnaki, the moon, hollow Earth, the Pyramids, and a ton more. In the second half, we dive deeper into the history of banking and Zionism, the evidence for an ancient global civilization, UFOs & free energy, the giant skeletons hidden by the Smithsonian, and some ideas for a system that works for the people beyond the control of the global elite.

1 comment:

  1. Your introductory creepy music and creepy voice make you unqualified as a legimitate media communicator.
    Music manipulates the listener, and the voice theatrics is a cheap trick You lost me before it even got started because of the aural manipulation. ron
