Monday, November 3, 2014

Japan Begins Unlimited Money Printing -- The CURRENCY WAR continues

UNLIMITED QE Now Global! Japan Begins Record Stimulus Waiting for Fed QE4!

BOJ Stands Ready to Buy Every New Bond Abe’s Government Issues The BOJ said it plans to buy 8 trillion to 12 trillion yen ($108 billion) of Japanese government bonds per month under stepped-up stimulus it announced today. That gives Governor Haruhiko Kuroda leeway to soak up the 10 trillion yen in new bonds that the Ministry of Finance sells in the market each month. The BIS, the bank for central banks, has been a longstanding sceptic about the benefits of ultra-stimulative monetary and fiscal policies and its latest intervention reflects mounting concern that the rebound in capital markets and real estate is built on fragile foundations.
QE3 is over and the public is anticipating QE4. Until then, the stock markets need stimulus to prevent a MASSIVE COLLAPSE. Japan has decided to engage in record stimulus in order to combat their deflation they're experiencing. There is no talk of why the world is experiencing deflation in the first place with their ZOMBIE banks, instead they just provide this bandage solution.

The CURRENCY WAR continues.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent coverage as usual - precise and to the point
