Thursday, November 27, 2014

IMF and World Bank Warn of Peak Trade as Global Recession Begins!

 Stimulus, bailouts, And QE have supported the economies around the world for years now. This is ARTIFICIAL and cannot be sustained due to the instability it results in. The IMF and World Bank have written how we are headed for worsening economic conditions.

Even if you chose to look at only a handful of statistics, predict the trajectory, you will see evidently their hypothesis is obvious. 
 S&P 500, Dow score record close
New York Fed declares household deleveraging over
China's industrial profit swung to a decrease in October, as net income for the top companies fell 2.1% from a year earlier
The global economy is unlikely to see the same heated growth in trade that fuelled globalisation before the 2008 financial crisis largely because China’s manufacturers are turning inward, according to research by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
European Central Bank Vice President Vitor Constancio sent the strongest signal to date Wednesday that the ECB is prepared to buy government bonds early next year, if it decides that more aggressive stimulus measures are needed.
As of August, according to the Department of Agriculture, there were 46,484,828 individuals in the food stamp program.

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