Sunday, November 2, 2014

Harper Raises 'Russian Threat to Canada's Arctic' In Speech to Troops!

Russia has warned that it will revive its claim to a huge swathe of the Arctic in the hope that it can secure the rights to billions of tons of oil and gas. Moscow has long seen the seabed off its northern coastline as a mine of valuable hydrocarbons and is keen to fend off rival bids for control over the region’s resources. Sergei Donskoy, the minister for natural resources, said Russia had completed research on its submission to the United Nations, under which it hopes to gain an extra 740,000 kilometres. “That is a big increase to the country’s territory, that’s why we call this application an application for the future – an application for the future sustainable development of our country,” said Mr. Donskoy after greeting scientists returning home this week from the Arctic to St Petersburg on the Akademik Fedorov research ship. Mr. Donskoy said Russia’s application, which could net it at least five billion tons of hitherto unexploited oil and gas reserves, would be submitted to the UN in the spring.

1 comment:

  1. How biased is the writer of this blog.
    Alot of russian military material in the artic?

    Well what about all the American military equipmennt in Israel, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt and the USA having hundreds of military bases all over the world.

    This is just typical bull shit- attacking other countries for what the USA does in greater quantities.

    The USA military expenditure in arms excedes the sum of all the military sums of the rest of the countries in the world. Harper is a bull shit artist and fantasizing about false nonsense. Ron
