Monday, November 3, 2014

Gerald Celente -- Middle East Ablaze with Terror Groups?

In recent months, the middle east has turned into a hot bed of religious conflict. Headlined by the Islamic State, millions of people have fled their homes, and thousands have been brutally murdered. Now, we’re hearing more news out of Jerusalem, where Palestinians and Israelis are squaring off in disputes over a sacred temple. To take a closer look at what’s happening in the middle east, and what role the US military is playing, we turn to a regular guest here on WHDT, Gerald Celente from the Trends Research Institute.

1 comment:

  1. the problem is g w Washington revolution was transformed and stolen probably by some on his same circle friends he was lie to. therefore the constitution democracy and liberty in america never existed for long period of time, just a few years: however this revolution did had some natural bases so it went on and off, until Lincoln them it just turn itself off permanently, and in 1913 the coffin was seal and democracy permanently die...! today you america exist on a sort of zionazism a mixture of a Jewish lobby dominance "AIPAC" that dominates america, and hopes to do the same to the planet, on a Nazi warfare propaganda strategy, the ideology of media superpowers is part of this Nazism propaganda machine, as well the too big to fail. therefore democracy in america does not exist in 2014 votes are a joke, as presidential candidates are actors for a tv show. this american dynasties are just a result of a well crafted and intelligently planet nazi propaganda apparatus. you define this as wall street and freedom of speech in fact is Orwellian reality since the 1900.
    reason why there is a natural return to the traditional the ancient the occult the old Clovis integrity and the real nobility of the 1010 in Europe, the founding fathers of america. however this time is correction time.
