Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gerald Celente: First Financial Calamity then War

 So, which do we get first: a global economic crash or a global world war? Gerald Celente, Publisher of the Trends Journal ( says, “I would say first would come the economic calamity, but you don’t know what will cause it. For example, when 9/11 happened, they closed down Wall Street. If there is a terrorist strike, either false flag or real, they will blame the economic conditions on these terrorists. . . . They will use it as an excuse. So, you don’t know whether it’s heads or tails, but the coin will be flipped.”

What will the economy look like to the man on the street when the economy finally takes a fall? Celente predicts, “It’s going to be inflation, but it’s going to be currency devaluation rather than commodity inflation.

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