Monday, November 10, 2014

Fractional Reserve Lending ~Rise of the NWO , Culling of Man

 "The money at the base of this pyramid scheme was literally created out of nothing---through a mere ledger entry back in 1913 by the Federal Reserve. This “money”, which came from nothing and is backed by nothing, is called “fiat” currency. Fiat currency is money that is not backed by gold or silver, which was the sole intent of inventing paper money to start with.
Today our money is not backed by gold or silver, and is only worth something because the government tells us it is. This “money” that originates now days with a Federal Reserve computer entry---if you even want to call it money---IS THEN LOANED at FACE VALUE PLUS INTEREST TO OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. You and I are paying National Debt interest to the Illuminati on monopoly money that they created out of thin air. It is complete financial enslavement, there is no other word for it, and slavery was the intent by the proponents of the New World Order all along."

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