Thursday, November 27, 2014

#FERGUSON RIOTS / MIKE BROWN SHOOTING - Police Officer DAREN WILSON Give His Side of the Story

Ferguson, Missouri, police Officer Darren Wilson, in his first interview since he fatally shot unarmed teenager Michael Brown, said he's not tormented by that fateful encounter on a street in suburban St. Louis last summer. "I don't think it's haunting," Wilson told ABC News on Tuesday. "It's always going to be something that happened. The reason I have a clean conscience is that I know I did my job right." Repeating what he told a grand jury investigating the shooting, Wilson said Brown reached into his police vehicle and grabbed for his gun. He feared for his life, he said. It all started when Wilson asked the teenager to move out of the middle of the street, the officer told ABC's George Stephanopoulos. Brown walked over to his car and pushed the door back as Wilson tried to get out, the officer said. "As I looked back at him, punches started flying," Wilson said in the interview, which aired Tuesday night. "He threw the first one and hit me in the left side of my face." Wilson doesn't know how many times he got hit. "I just know there was a barrage of swinging and grabbing and pulling for about 10 seconds," Wilson told ABC. "I reached out my window with my right hand to grab on to his forearm." The grief-stricken mother of Michael Brown says police officer Darren Wilson's first interview following a grand jury's decision not to indict him in her teenage son's shooting death "added insult to injury." Lesley McSpadden, Brown's mother, called the Wilson's interview "disrespectful" on NBC's "Today" show Wednesday, a day after the officer's interview with ABC News aired. "I don't believe a word of it," McSpadden said on "CBS This Morning." Wilson's account of the events that led to Brown's killing on Aug. 9 "sounds crazy," Michael Brown Sr. said on "Today." According to Wilson, the teen pinned the officer in his car during a struggle in which the 18-year-old punched him repeatedly in the face. "I didn't know if I'd be able to withstand another hit like that," Wilson said on ABC, reiterating testimony he gave to the grand jury. The officer said he grabbed his gun and fired a shot at Brown, who initially ran but then turned around and charged at him as the unarmed teenager reached into his waistband. I mean that in the literal sense of the term: "difficult or impossible to believe." But I want to be clear here. I'm not saying Wilson is lying. I'm not saying his testimony is false. I am saying that the events, as he describes them, are simply bizarre. His story is difficult to believe. Both the facts in the Michael Brown shooting and the reality of black on black violence have been covered-up by the media & the political establishment in an attempt to contrive race riots, stoke division and discredit genuine opposition to police brutality. Media focus on racial division diverting anger away from tyrannical government Chaos has engulfed Ferguson, Missouri as the mainstream media is directing national attention to divisive racial issues at a time of rising tyranny in America. Sensational revelations about government corruption are becoming a regular occurrence under the Obama administration. Ordinary Americans are being targeted while known terrorists are escorted through security. Kidnappers, rapists, and murderers are being released from prison; an action sanctioned by the President of the United States. The BATF allows guns to find their way to Mexican drug lords, while the federal government is fighting to disarm American citizens. Mega-banks launder billions of dollars worth of drug money. Amidst this flurry of rampant corruption, Obamacare architect Johnathan Gruber admitted on video that “lack of transparency” was crucial in passing Obamacare and fool “stupid American voters” into accepting it

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1 comment:

  1. AIPAC nation "alias the usa of america" declares brutal war against african americans and africans in america and the middle east if you are black you are a target. so beware..and confirm the facts..
