Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fall, 2015: Cabal's Last Stand

Fall, 2015: Cabal's Last Stand, Victory of Star Seed's Peaceful 'Velvet Revolution'

It's rare that one finds a date for the demise of the dark cabal
We have heard that they are going to fall, but they just keep going, year, after year, after year
A more reliable source might be the one person who represents 'we, the people' of the earth, Dr. Richard J. Boylan
He has met with aliens and they know the future
They are advanced and they said the cabal is coming down
Should they be tried for war crimes? Jailed? Sent to live on a planet in another universe?
I know some of you want to draw blood, but Dr. Boylan said this one is going to be 'non violent' and I prefer non-violence, because the blood that's shed is likely to be on our side, not their side!

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