Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Elections are a Comedy

Just America by ANONYMOUS America, Obama, Freedom, Elections and Co in an interesting short movie. ANONYMOUS HEADQUARTERS

Limit the bastards to one or two terms... so we don't have to see war/lie/fear mongering Zionist hacks like Graham, McCain and other Israeli lapdogs in there for decades. 

1 comment:

  1. imposing a 1500 immigration law in america can do wonders. immigrants are the key to the problem. is not a question of legality is just the fact of immigration.
    people migrate from north to south and from south to north.
    the problem today is why there is the flux of migrants, and the answer is wars, economical war in mexico, and deadly wars on the middle east and Ukraine. to the legals and the illegals they somehow make one "in america and Europe" all the European folks are mostly mixed very few remain of a distinctive one color of skin, the Russians and the Africans. one white one black. both on the two sides of the planet, Russia next to the north pole Africa facing the south pole. the hexagon meets the triangle, and the poles remain the same, the pyramids might get a bit of more water gradually on time of peace swiftly on time of wars.
