Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ebola is Airborne -- Watch out for misinformation

The reason why health officials are saying it's not is because their definition of airborne is probably different than what you or I think. Their definition = virus survives in the air. Ebola is being spread through infected people who are speaking or coughing in close proximity to other people. The virus does not survive very long once it's in the air and that's why they are saying it's not airborne. How you get it is by little "blood" droplets in the air, whether you breath it in, it goes in your eyes, on a cut, or in your mouth. This is of course other than the obvious ways the media are saying like sexual contact or just doctor-based work. Understanding how media works is also key here. You need to understand that most media just copy and paste the same "news" and "facts" from other media outlets because it's simply easier to do that. Others do actual media work like they are supposed to, but again it's the health officials being misleading about how the virus is contracted. Also, governments are of course going to tell you they will take care of the virus and it won't spread. But it spreads to 10 more people right as they are saying that. So be careful fellow evolutioners because you won't know it's even in your area until it's too late.

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