Monday, November 3, 2014

CIA Insider: Project Prophecy 2.0

Whatever happens, one thing is for certain: The petro-dollar will no longer be the worlds' reserve currency in the near future. The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) have been taking steps to move away from the dollar by entering into various trade agreements that exclude the US dollar in transactions. These same countries are also reducing their exposure to US debt and stockpiling their gold reserves in anticipation of the inevitable. They see whats coming and are preparing for it, while the ignorant TV watching potato-heads in America continue to act as if their gravy train is never going to end. Good luck with that...


  1. When the wicked rule the people mourn.

  2. Once lost, freedom can only be secured by blood.

  3. We will never yield to those who would place us in bondage. We will live for the Constitution and we will die for the Constitution, for we know that it was inspired of God for all of his children.
